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Writer's pictureBritta Schroeter Phillips

Spring 2023 Updates

Some beautiful Guernsey New Yorks from the winter Guernseys

It has been a very busy year already here at Vorfreude Dairy Beef! Four new Guernseys joined the herd and are at an auxiliary property that Im leasing out in Estacada. These ladies are going to have some nice marbling, so be sure to get your order in for a share before they’re gone!

It was a hectic start to getting them here. Right after they arrived we got 3 days of April snow. These are very fancy cows that had never slept outside, so it was a wild beginning for them off the dairy! But we all survived the tell the tale. The truck, not so much—she’s busted and back at the dealership right now, so the amount of moving parts and tricky logistics has become even greater. Am I living a country song or something?

I've gotten to see a year and a half of my pasture management on the Molalla property and so far the grass is looking amazing! I utilize rotational grazing to promote soil health, biodiversity and it even helps put carbon back in the earth. How cool is that?! I work with Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation to assess my pastures periodically and give tips and ideas for maintaining them to the highest standard. Hopefully last years endless hours of weeding also pays off this year!

I'm excited to work with these pastures in Estacada that are lush, but haven’t been rotationally grazed. They’ll be a great learning opportunity for trying new things, using cows on more virgin land to promote soil health, and working at a higher elevation where a big growth spurt happens later.

Winter kicked my ass, with relentless rain and mud and feeding 9 cows with crazy feed prices. We are all hoping those level out soon!! I also worked hard with some of my amazing people at the butcher shop to develop mind-blowing sausage flavors such as redwine, blue cheese and rosemary, spicy curry, breakfast links, among others. These flavors are now going to be offered as an option on shares, exclusively for Vorfreude Dairy Beef customers.

Reserve your share today, and as always feel free to reach out with any questions!

503-563-0839 |

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